Hasbro Monkey Dunk Review

We received Hasbro’s Monkey Dunk to review from Mummy News, and we’ve had great fun with it.

Monkey Dunk is for 2-4 players and for ages 4+.

Inside the box there are 16 monkeys, an Elefun popper, a backdrop, 20 banana tokens, 4 water holes and a lily pad blocker. 

It was really easy to set up, just place the water holes in the bottom of the box, put the back drop up and then place the Elefun Popper into one of the water holes. 

Once you’re ready to play push down on the Elefun popper and start flipping your monkeys into the water holes by pushing down on their tails.  Keep launching your monkeys until you’ve flipped them all or Elefun pops up.  When Elefun does pop up he bounces the monkeys around.  Collect a banana token for each monkey you successfully landed into one of the water holes.  Keep playing rounds until all of the banana tokens have been collected.  The player with the most banana tokens wins!!!  You can make the game more challenging by placing the lily pad blocker over one of the water holes, you don’t collect banana tokens for monkeys that land in this hole. 

As Imogen was only 3 at the end of March I was a little concerned that she wouldn’t be able to play, however she did well and really enjoyed the game.  She loved the anticipation of the Elefun popper and kept shouting “Quick, quick he’s going to pop!!”  She did struggle to get her monkeys into the water holes, but when she did manage was over the moon.  It taught her the very valuable lesson that sometimes things don’t go to plan.

We didn’t try “advanced” Monkey Dunk, with the lily pad blocker, as I didn’t think Imogen would understand that she wouldn’t get a banana token and seeing as she didn’t have the ability to aim them, there didn’t seem much point.  Three of us played, Me, Hubby and Imogen and it did seem to get a bit busy around the box but I’m sure that four children could manage nicely. As you play in the base of the box, it’s very easy to pack away at the end of play.

All in all, I think it’s a great game and one that will be played over and over again. 

For more information on Monkey Dunk, including where you can get yours, have a look at Hasbro’s website here.

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